The noble Venetian mansions hide true masterpieces. Venetian Terrazzo Floorings are the ones among these. The way of carrying them out is still considered nowadays a precious and rare art.
Since 1840 the Cancian Family has been handing down this exclusive technique with passion and craftsmanship, from father to son, generation after generation.
The traditional art of Cancian's Venetian Terrazzo is reinvented into new forms of expression.
Nowadays Cancian Pavimenti is structured in all its components in order to allow us to operate all over the world satisfying all possible requests. Since 2008 Cancian Pavimenti has also diversified its production capacity with a section dedicated to the customized precast Terrazzo and Palladian floorings. Any client’s need or architect’s design becomes our mission. We produce large format slabs, internally reinforced by a fiberglass mesh, which are then calibrated, grinded with a polished or honed finishing and then supplied ready to be installed. In this way we are able to give the clients a product that offers results impossible to achieve during the typical on situ manufacturing, often due to its logistic difficulties and time constraints.
And so Veneziantica was born, an innovative system of large slabs that combines high craftsmanship with simple and quick laying techniques, having thus obvious advantages.
Veneziantica is:
The use of different materials and the huge range of colours and decorations allow limitless aesthetic variations.
You can choose the size and type of laying
Transport and installation can be optimized, reducing time and costs.
The project is exclusively carried out in our firm In Italy
The raw material is totally natural without any type of resins
Every time it is possible to design an original coating, playing with materials and colours, donating to history unique pieces for future art
The huge versatility allows you to move from homogeneous surfaces made of simple marble chips to ones with real complex decorations, on any slab size.
Veneziantica is a white sheet on which inspiration loves to take shape as new art masterpieces.
We support your creativityOur technical department supports the designers during all the phases.
We help them step by step until their ideas and creativity can transform themselves into the final product.
We provide advice supplying technical drawings for the CNC machines and laying plans. We number the slabs in order to be transported, handled and laid down following the correct sequence.
Otherwise, we can just give the designers all the information to allow them to be able to manage even the technical part independently
The experience gained during the years allows us to suggest the best way to optimize times and costs.
News and updating about the world of marble floorings
Via Carducci 38
37059 Campagnola di Zevio VR - ITALY+39 (0)45 501493
© 2019